Delphine shares the story of her brother, aged 45, who underwent a kidney transplant that forced him to be extra vigilant in the sun.

My brother had a kidney transplant and received his second kidney a month ago. In total, he has been on dialysis for 35 years, which means about 5,500 sessions, or 22,000 hours hooked up to a machine. Add to that all the surgeries, more or less invasive tests, consultations... In short, he has spent a large part of his life in hospitals. The anti-rejection medications make him susceptible to UV rays, and he's at risk of developing skin cancer if he doesn't protect himself.

When we heard about this, we didn't hesitate for a second before buying Ker Sun clothing. We want to be able to keep on hiking together. Health is the most important thing. Take care of yourself. My brother and I have every intention of continuing to enjoy our treks. If some people look at us strangely, we don't care. Because, let's face it, those aren't the kind of people we want to make friends with. There are enough interesting people to make friends with. People who are or have been ill, their relatives, medical staff... all these people understand and support our approach. We only have one sunshine capital and we can't spend it frivolously, it's too precious.


June 28, 2024